Rise up with Uprise.
We help you navigate the winds of change and lead with purpose to soar to new heights.
Uprise Consulting
Uprise Consulting brings together a combined 50 years’ experience in leadership training and business management. We’re proud to have helped companies and executives catapult their success. Large, medium, and small enterprises, non-profit organizations and universities turn to Uprise Consulting to reach their full potential and maximize their success. Our client loyalty and referrals are unmatched because of results - and the simple fact that people enjoy working with us.

Customer success stories.

Halifax International Airport Authority (HIAA) operates the world-class Halifax Stanfield airport, connecting Atlantic Canadians to the world. HIAA enlisted Uprise Consulting to completed 360 Benchmark Assessments to develop their senior leadership team. We also created Stanfield Leads, a customized leadership development training program for senior managers and continue to work with them to offer courses on team development, safety leadership, and supervisory skills, as well as intergenerational training.

Killam Properties is one of Canada’s largest residential landlords with real estate portfolio totaling more than $2.7 billion. Killam sought Uprise to complete 360 Benchmark Assessments with their senior leadership team. The goal was to further understand individual strengths, areas for improvement, relationships with team members, and perceptions. We helped individuals identify opportunities for growth and development, improve relationships with their team members, and work together more cohesively towards common goals.

Dalhousie University, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is one of Canada’s oldest universities, attracting more than 18,800 students from around the world. We developed and continue to offer a custom Leadership Development training program for Dalhousie since 2012. Many of Dalhousie University’s faculties and departments have utilized Uprise Consulting’s expertise for the creation of departmental strategic plans, team building programs, customer care training, conference speaker engagements, communication and productivity.

Get in touch.
Jamie O'Neill
(902) 229-0799
Lisa Tilley
(902) 497-4731